10001 My\nCollection 10002 Print\nat\nHome 10003 Order\nPrints\nOnline 10004 Email 11011 Kodak EasyShare Software\n\nEasyShare\n\n\nEasyShare.Document\nEasyShare Document 11012 Next > 11013 Finish 11014 Open in Explorer 11015 Passwords can include only uppercase or lowercase letters (A through Z) and numbers (0 through 9). 11016 Passwords must contain at least six characters but cannot be longer than 50 characters. 11017 Your email address contains one or more invalid characters. A valid email address includes name, @ symbol, domain name, and suffix (for example: myname@kodak.com). 11018 Your confirmation password does not match your password. 11019 An Ofoto account already exists for the email address entered. Either enter another address or click Back and select "I already have an Ofoto account." 11020 Validation of your Ofoto account failed. 11021 The password you entered is incorrect. Please re-enter the password. 11022 The email address you entered is not a valid Ofoto account name. Please re-enter your email address. 11023 Your Ofoto account cannot be activated at this time. Please try again later. 11024 Error 11025 OK 11026 &No 11027 &Yes 11028 &Abort 11029 &Retry 11030 &Ignore 11031 Cancel 11032 &Help 11033 Online sharing services are provided by Ofoto, a Kodak company. It's easy to upload your pictures to secure online albums for sharing with family and friends. Plus, signing up is fast and free. 11034 EasyShare software now offers enhanced email sharing powered by Ofoto, a Kodak company. Sign up now to get started. It's fast and free! 11035 You need an Ofoto account to upload your pictures. When you upload pictures to Ofoto, they are stored in secure online albums. Plus, signing up is fast and free. 11036 Sharing Account Setup 11037 Would you like to set up a sharing account now? 11038 Kodak EasyShare software is now available with enhanced online sharing services in your country. Click Next to begin this quick and easy setup. 11039 Ofoto is no longer available in your region. Your email will be sent using the Kodak email service. 11040 To use this feature, you must have Microsoft Internet Explorer %s or later installed on your computer. 11041 To activate your Ofoto account, you must have Microsoft Internet Explorer %s or later installed on your computer. 11042 Ofoto Account Sign In 11043 First name 11046 Open 11047 Transfer Now 11048 Preferences 11049 Help 11050 Shut down Kodak EasyShare software 11052 Play the movie at normal size. 11053 Play the movie at twice normal size. 11054 Play the movie at four times normal size. 11060 Close this dialog and return to the application.. 15313 %ld Picture(s) selected 15315 %ld Picture(s) to be added to the %s Album. 15316 %ld Picture(s) were added to the %s Album. 16000 Select the task you want to perform. To delete a task, select it and click Remove. 16001 Close 16002 To Do List 16003 Task Status 16004 Task 16005 Date 16006 Pictures 16007 Do It! 16008 Remove 16009 To cancel a task, select it and click Cancel. 16010 Status 16011 Percent Complete 16012 Cancel 16013 Preferences 16017 The following tasks have not been completed:\n%1\nDo you want to shutdown the application? 16018 You are attempting to load pictures from "%1" but you are currently busy with another task.\nWhen you return to My Collection the pictures will be automatically loaded and viewed.\nThe currently selected set of pictures will be deselected.\nDo you want to continue? 16019 Pictures from removable devices cannot be loaded. Please copy the pictures to your computer 16020 Do you want to make Kodak EasyShare your default application for the following picture file types? 16021 Do not ask me again 16022 To view Task Status after closing this dialog box, double-click on the flashing icon in the lower right status area of the EasyShare window. 19002 View Properties for Highlighted Picture 19008 File Name: 19014 ... 19028 Click here to add a caption 19040 Select All Pictures 19042 Edit Picture 19043 The print size selected for this picture is too big to make a high-quality print 19050 Organize 19061 Help 19065 Cannot rename the album name. 19066 Cannot add new item to the tree. 19073 An error has occured. 19074 If you cancel this task, all tagging information from the camera will be lost.\nAre you sure that you want to cancel this task? 19115 Your EasyShare catalog could not be opened. It has been replaced with the backup catalog. Any pictures, captions, albums, or addresses that you added to EasyShare after the last backup must be added again. 19116 Your EasyShare catalog could not be opened. A new catalog has been created. Pictures, addresses, and other details must be added again. 19117 To use this feature, you need to have an Ofoto Premium membership.\n\nTo save this task to the To Do List, click Create To Do.\n\nTo learn more about the Ofoto Premium service, click Learn More. 19118 To use online services, you need to connect to the Internet.\nConnect to the Internet and then click OK. 19120 There are no albums in your Ofoto account to view. 19121 You need the latest version of QuickTime in order to view this picture. To download the latest version, go to www.apple.com 20000 Get More Pictures 20001 JPEG File (*.jpg, *.jpeg,*.jpe)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe|Bitmap File (*.bmp)|*.bmp|TIFF File (*.tif, *.tiff)|*.tif;*.tiff|| 20002 Rotate Selected Pictures 90° Counterclockwise 20003 Rotate Selected Pictures 90° Clockwise 20004 Zoom In 20005 Zoom Out 20007 Location 20008 Subject 20009 Other 20010 Event 20011 Folders 20015 Error: could not load Slide Show DLL 20016 Slide Show dll does not match the version 20017 Can not invoke the function InitialSlideShow in the ksli40.dll 20018 Play a Slide Show 20019 Only still pictures can be included in the slide show. All other file formats will be ignored. 20020 Slide Show 20028 Deselect All Pictures 20032 There was an error completing the current task and it cannot be completed. Shutdown EasyShare software and start again. 20033 Can not add new keyword to the keyword tree. 20034 Can not get keyword for the checked image in the collection. 20035 %.0f KB 20036 %d x %d pixels 20037 Error: Invalid Date Format - %s. 20038 Can not get the top level keywords. 20039 Can not get the child keyword. 20040 To perform the selected task, click on the picture that you want to work with. 20046 Kodak EasyShare is upgrading your collection so that it will be compatible with this updated version of the software. 20047 Please wait...This may take a few minutes 20048 Kodak EasyShare has detected a collection from a different version of the software on your computer. This version of the collection cannot be used with the current version of the software. Kodak EasyShare will now exit. Please refer to the Readme file for further information. 20049 There is not enough drive space to backup your database. Please make some space available on your hard drive and restart the application 20050 There has been a failure during the database conversion process. 20053 not in an album 20061 Open 20062 Preview 20063 Kodak EasyShare is completing another task and cannot %1 the picture(s). Please return to "My Collection" and retry the operation. 20064 You need to be connected to the Internet to view these pages. 20065 New Album 20066 You have not yet selected pictures for the task.\n\nIf you choose "Select All," all the pictures in your current view will be selected. 20068 Kodak EasyShare Software can no longer find the file:\n%s\n\nThe file may have been renamed or moved in your Windows file system. 20069 Kodak EasyShare Software cannot read the file:\n%s\n\nThe file exists, but may be damaged. 20070 The selected files could not be found. They may have been\nrenamed, deleted or moved in your Windows file system. 20071 Open With EasyShare 20072 You have entered an album name that already exists. Please try again. 20092 Open Wit&h 20093 Open With... 20094 Your selection includes movies that are not in the MOV format. These movies will be not included in the task. 20095 Your selection includes only movies that are not in the MOV format. Please select at least one MOV movie or still picture and try again. 20097 The picture is protected. Do you want to continue rotating the picture? 20098 Rotate 20099 Rotating the selected movie... 57344 Kodak EasyShare 57345 Ready 57600 Create a new document\nNew 57601 Open an existing document\nOpen 57602 Close the active document\nClose 57603 Save the active document\nSave 57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As 57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup 57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup 57607 Print the active document\nPrint 57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview 57616 Open this document 57617 Open this document 57618 Open this document 57619 Open this document 57620 Open this document 57621 Open this document 57622 Open this document 57623 Open this document 57624 Open this document 57625 Open this document 57626 Open this document 57627 Open this document 57628 Open this document 57629 Open this document 57630 Open this document 57631 Open this document 57632 Erase the selection\nErase 57633 Erase everything\nErase All 57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy 57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut 57636 Find the specified text\nFind 57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste 57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat 57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace 57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All 57643 Undo the last action\nUndo 57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo 57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit 57664 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout 57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit 57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane 57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane 59136 EXT 59137 CAP 59138 NUM 59139 SCRL 59140 OVR 59141 REC 59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar 61184 Change the window size 61185 Change the window position 61186 Reduce the window to an icon 61187 Enlarge the window to full size 61188 Switch to the next document window 61189 Switch to the previous document window 61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents 61202 Restore the window to normal size 61203 Activate Task List 61445 Close print preview mode\nCancel Preview 61446 Invalid File Path. 61447 The number of tab must be greater than zero. 61448 Invalid tab ini filename. 61449 Can not get the DLL filename. 61450 Invalid Tab Name. 61451 Invalid DLL Version. 61452 Need to specify in the ini file whether this tab will be enable. 61453 Could not load DLL: %s 61454 Can not get the DLL Version. 61455 Incorrect version of %s 61456 Can not get the setup menu function. 61457 Invalid Tab DLL filename. 61458 Can not invoke the function DllGetTabID in the tabinfo.dll 61459 Can not get the tab icon and the tab title. 61460 The default tab must be less than or equal to the number of tab in the application. 61461 The application can not have more than ten tabs. 61462 Can not get the Edit DLL filename. 61463 Invalid Edit DLL Version. 61464 Can not find the Edit picture function in the DLL. 61465 Can not get the number of Views for each DLL. 61466 Can not find the view within a tab. 61470 Width = %d pixels, Height = %d pixels 61471 JPEG Image File 61472 TIFF Image File 61473 Quick Time Movie File 61474 Flashpix Image file 61475 Unknown File Type 61476 Cannot load %s. The application cannot run. 61477 Initialization of %s failed. The application cannot run. 61478 Current Status 61480 Rotating the selected pictures... 61481 Can not edit movie file. 61482 One or more of the selected pictures are protected.\n\nDo you want to continue rotating the picture(s)?\n 61483 Deleting selected pictures... 61484 %s is protected. Do you want to delete it anyway? 61486 Editing picture 61488 Delete 61489 Are you sure you want to send these %d pictures to the Recycle Bin? 61490 Are you sure you want to send the picture to the Recycle Bin? 61491 To view your movie files, switch to Single View. 61493 KODAK EASYSHARE Software can no longer find the file:\n%s\n\nThe file may have been renamed or moved in your Windows file system. 61495 The file \n%s\n is not a Movie. 61496 Can not delete the selected picture(s) from your collection. 61497 %s 61498 You are running EasyShare software from a user account that does not have administrative privileges. As a result, you may not have access to some of the pictures on your computer and some of the features of the software may not be available. For more information please go to the EasyShare support web site at http://www.kodak.com/go/EasyShareSupport. 61499 1/%d sec 61500 --- 61501 Manual 61502 Normal program 61503 Aperture priority 61504 Shutter priority 61505 Creative program 61506 Action program 61507 Portrait mode 61508 Landscape mode 61509 %.2fmm 61510 --- 61511 Average 61512 %.2fm 61513 Spot 61514 MultiSpot 61515 Pattern 61516 Partial 61517 Other 61518 Yes 61519 No 61520 f%.2f 61521 %.2fmm 61522 Daylight 61523 Fluorescent 61524 Tungsten 61525 Flash 61526 Fine weather 61527 Cloudy weather 61528 Shade 61529 Daylight fluorescent 61530 Day white fluorescent 61531 Cool white fluorescent 61532 White fluorescent 61533 Standard light A 61534 Standard light B 61535 Standard light C 61536 D55 61537 D65 61538 D75 61539 D50 61540 ISO studio tungsten 61541 %.2f sec 61542 Fire 61543 Did not fire 61544 , compulsory 61545 , red-eye 61546 , auto 61547 Would you like to complete your tasks before ending your session? If you do not complete your task then some data might be lost. 61548 Unable to save the rotated version of the movie: %1 61549 Unable to rotate the movie: %1 61551 Done 61552 Continue 61553 There are %1 missing pictures in your collection. 61554 %1 of %2 files verified 61555 Are you sure that you want to remove the selected picture from your collection? 61556 All the selected files for this task cannot be found. They may have been renamed, deleted, or moved in your Windows file system. The selected task cannot be completed. 61557 All Formats |*.jpg; *.jpeg; *.jpe; *.bmp; *.mov; *.tif; *.tiff; *.avi; |AVI (*.avi)|*.avi|BMP (*.bmp)|*.bmp|JPEG (*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe)|*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe|MOV (*.mov)|*.mov;|TIFF (*.tif;*.tiff)|*.tif;*.tiff|| 61558 | 61559 .JPG|.JPE|.JPEG|.TIF|.TIFF|.BMP|.MOV|.AVI 61560 An error was encountered while retrieving picture information. You cannot connect to the missing picture. 61561 You have selected an unsupported file type. The selected picture cannot be added to your collection. 61562 You have selected a picture that is not on your hard disk. The selected picture cannot be added to your collection. 61563 You have selected a file type that does not match the missing picture file type. The selected picture cannot be added to your collection. 61564 An error was encountered while removing the picture. The selected picture cannot be removed from the collection. 61565 This picture can not be reconnected, it already exists in your collection. 61566 The missing pictures have been reconnected or removed from your collection.